Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hot Boxing a Car

My friend gets a lot of flak for his 94 Plymouth Acclaim (or as he calls it, his Acc). Somebody even scratched 'Diby's HotBox' on it. Well, my friends decided it should be made into a real Hot Box, and no, not the normal kind of hot box you maybe thinking of. This hot box was to be 100% pure cardboard to improve upon the Acclaim's aerodynamics, heat resistance, and structural integrity. It took about 4 hours to complete the project on an afternoon our friend, Deibert (aka Diby) had been out of town for a baseball game. What could be better than coming back to discover your friends have Rick Rolled your car? We think he'll love it once he sees our improvments.

And we put some nice drawings of some of his favorite stuff (Pabst, NASCAR), and some stuff he hates (namely the Yankees and Jeter).

The 'envy green' monster and all it's glory

Driver's side if you can't tell

Passenger side (before artwork)
The blue marker didn't hold up after this

Deibert hates the yankees

Even ordered custom NY plates

And stating the obvious, Diby got 553 Summed

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